In the last 5 years our association has grown from approximately 200 players to almost 600 players but the number of volunteers on our board and across our teams has not changed. In order to maintain a high level of play and fun for our players we need to spread the work across everyone who is involved. We are asking that everyone participate in the operation of the league through the volunteer commitment requirement.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee sets the overall objectives and does the yearly planning for FHLL. The executive committee meets approximately 5 times per year plus members carry out various duties through out the season and off season depending on their specific role.
Head Coach
Head Coaches take on the important role of skill development and on field team management. Coaches are the most important role within our organization and without them we can not field teams.
Assistant Coach
Assistant coaches help the head coach in the skill development of the players at practice and games.
Team Manager
Team managers are responsible for the administration aspects of the team. They work with the head coach with duties that can include; inputting games scores and pitch counts, organizing practices and game times and arranging for scorekeepers, pitch counters and field preparation personnel.
Equipment Team
Equipment team members work with the Equipment Coordinator to organize and prepare equipment and uniforms for our teams, and then receive, organize and inventory equipment at the end of the season. The majority of this work is done at the start and end of the season.
Field Maintenance Team
The field maintenance team works with the Field Coordinator to prepare and maintain our diamonds throughout the year. Preparation includes building and maintain pitching mounds, repairing fences and maintaining chalk levels.
Umpire Coordinator
The Umpire Coordinator will work with the Umpire in Chief to schedule umpires throughout the season. The Umpire Coordinator needs to have internet and phone access from 4 to 7 pm weekdays and during the days on weekends to manage scheduling changes.
Ceremonies Coordinator
The ceremonies team members will work with the Ceremonies Coordinator to organize and manage our opening day/pictures and our closing ceremonies.
Casino Volunteer
Casino volunteers will work one shift each minimum during our casino. Our next Casino will be in 2026
Communications Team
Evaluations Team
Working with the President, Communication team members are responsible for managing incoming emails, sending important information out to the FHLL membership and updating the FHLL Facebook and twitter feeds.
Members of the evaluation team work with the evaluation coordinator to organize, manage and perform evaluations of players in the Minors, Majors/Nationals and Junior divisions for team placement. These positions require an 80% attendance over all the evaluation sessions but are completed before the season starts.